Your Health Will Make Your Wealth…

I always say that there are two things that determine whether your day is successful or a bust.

Focus and Energy.

We have a morning meeting in every business I own every day without exception. It is a routine that I learned from the Ritz Carlton Training.  

On another blog I will tell you about what we go over but my point in bringing it up now is that at the end of these meetings I always know If our day will be up or down. I simply look at the energy and focus of myself and my team.  

So how do you make sure your energy and focus are there?

It starts with your health.  

Do you have a diet where you skip breakfast, barely get in lunch (or eat something unhealthy for lunch), then go home and binge for dinner and post dinner. You are literally crashing your metabolism which drains your energy and eventually leads to brain fog.

Imagine trying to run a successful business with a weak metabolism, low energy, and brain fog???

You must make eating throughout the day a priority… protein bars, almonds, vegetables, anything healthy. If you eat through the day it is like throwing coal on the fire. Keep it burning all day!!!

Are you dehydrated? Your brain is 80% water.

Refuel it or watch your energy and focus disappear. Drink two 8 oz glasses in the morning before you even make it out the door… this will jump start you. Then make sure to drink half your body weight in ounces throughout the day.

Make sure to get sleep. Your body rebuilds and repairs when you sleep. Six to eight hours is a must if you want to be at your peak level of drive and creativity.

Keep your mind healthy too. Read a few pages of a personal development or business book in the morning.  Write down 3 to 5 gratitude’s every morning. Revisit your goals. Listen to someone like Tony Robbins on your way to work.  

Raise your game when it comes to your health and watch what happens to your business!

Just a Thot.

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