You put out a huge net and attracted a massive amount of potential applicants.
You brought in enough people that you have to pick from a few great applicants and you are not in the spot of picking the best of the worst.
You did a group interview as I described in the last blog and narrowed it down to a few favorites. Now it is time to sit down with them one on one.
What do you ask?
You need to make sure that you are not asking questions because you feel like they are the ones to ask, or because they are simply the only ones you know.
You want your questions to be geared around figuring out if this person fits your opening.
Remember, at this point you should already like them, now let’s make sure they are right for the job.
What interested you about the advertisement for the job? This is going to show you if they actually applied because they are interested or if you were one of a bunch and they don’t know anything about your business. The best applicants will tell you about what they looked up online about your business and specifically what they love about your business. You will see the immediate connection.
If you are like me and want them to be able to multitask, then… Can you tell me where in your last job you had to multi-task and move at a fast pace? You will be able to tell if they like being busy by how they answer.
Everyone asks the where do you see yourself in the future but I ask because I would like to hear my business in their future plans. It would blow your mind how many people answer this questions with no thoughts of our business in their plans.
When you first walked in and saw the clinic, what is one thing you would change?
This shows me if they were paying attention to the place. This gives you their interest level. If they say they will change nothing, very good chance they are not going to bring innovation to your business. If they answer with something that would take your business in the wrong direction, you might not work well with this person, or have completely different ideas on what your business does.
Why do you believe you would be great at ______________ (whatever the job is)?
You already know what your top 3 or 5 characteristics are for this job, now you want to see if they are on the same page. If you want a friendly, energetic, people person that can multi-task, and they say they are patient, and take their time… might be the wrong person.
Last thing before inviting them into the business for a day, would you mind being stuck with this person for a 4 hour layover at the airport (This was a test either Google or Amazon mentioned). If you couldn’t imagine having to hang out with this person for four hours at the airport, are you really going to bring them into your work life?
A few questions to help you get to the right person, hope it helps.
Just a thot…