First, if your business is on the decline… STOP…
Relax, your reaction to your business is more important than how well your business is doing.
I know how it feels to be excited for the New Year and then disappointed at the way it started. I have definitely had years where January just did not go according to plan.
There are so many reasons the year can start out a little slow.
Sometimes we press too hard with excitement and paralysis leads to nothing happening.
The weather can interfere.
The New Year can bring changes that you were not expecting.
People may have spent all their money on the Holidays.
People might be taking a long time to get back into their rhythm after the Holiday.
You might be taking a while to get back into your rhythm (This is probably the reason BTW).
Whatever the case may be, if your business is down, it is not time to panic. As I was once told worrying is only wishing for what you don’t want.
Instead of the negative energy of worry, instead of picturing what could happen if the decline continues… do the opposite.
Create a vision in your mind of the year as you want it. Expect growth. Instead of looking for a new way to “fix” growth, go back to the basics. Get your marketing plan cleaned up and implemented with what has worked in the past. Re-train your team on the basics. Step up your service. Go the Extra mile and do more than you expect of yourself (Physically, mentally, spiritually, and chemically).
Make a plan that you know you can accomplish (Personal and Professional), and then simply go do it. The year is young, and you are just getting warmed up! That is all you need to think about.
So what’s your plan going forward?
Just a thot.